Worship Ministries
Worship services at St. Elisabeth’s are the culmination of the efforts of many volunteers who work to create a beautiful, welcoming, and meaningful worship experience. Their ministries include Altar Guild, Acolytes, Musicians, Ushers, Readers, and more. We invite you to explore the many ministries that participate in our worship, and find where your gifts or interests might lie.
For more information on any ministry, or to learn how to get involved, please contact our church office.
Acolytes carry the cross, Gospel book, and torches in procession during worship, and assist the priest in preparing for Communion.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild sets up and cleans the sanctuary for worship; tending to the vessels of the altar, the vestments and altar cloths, candles, and liturgical décor.
The St. Elisabeth’s Choir is a volunteer ensemble that leads the music for 10am Sunday services and special holiday services throughout the year. Our members come from all age groups and musical backgrounds, and we rehearse Thursdays at 7pm and Sundays at 9am.
The Counters collect, tally, and store the offerings from Sunday services.
Lay Readers and Lectors
Lay Readers and Lectors read the assigned Scripture passages in church, lead the Prayers of the People, and assist the clergy in serving communion.
Sunday School
The Sunday School team assists in leading children’s Sunday School each week.
Ushers support the congregation through the worship service. They welcome congregants to the service, distribute worship bulletins, take up the offering during the service, help guide the congregation forward for communion, and help collect visitor cards and discarded bulletins after each service.