
A Pilgrimage is an intentional journey to experience in new ways the presence of God, the Holy One, in other people and in ourselves and in special places. While we often think of pilgrimages as long trips to far away places, they can also be as brief as going to another faith community to experience its worship, people and culture or walking in solidarity with vulnerable people in communities we’ve not known before. Pilgrimages can be pursued as individuals, as a parish or other collegial group, or as participants in special pilgrimages arranged by others with similar goals.
What Pilgrimage Means to St. Elisabeth's
Reflections on Pilgrimage
A radical welcome: Nine St. Elisabeth’s pilgrims in Nantes, France
When we, nine pilgrims from St. Elisabeth’s, arrived at church in Nantes, France, on Sunday, July 9, the first thing Father Jean-Yves did was to ask two of our youths to do the day’s Bible readings, in French, of course. Abigail and Claire we...
Read MoreThe Warden’s Corner
Life lessons can occur at any time, but I find that I learn things easier and faster while traveling. My kids have heard the stories of these lessons and the guiding principles gained many times. There’s the story of my 20th birthday, expe...
Read MoreThe Warden's Corner
While preparing for the trip to Nantes this summer, I have been thinking about the wonderful time we had with the group who came to visit in 2018. Nate turned 9 while they were here and the two guests staying with us sang “Bonne Anniversaire a ...
Read MorePilgrimage to National Memorial for Peace and Justice and other Alabama Sites, April 2019
Pilgrimage to National Memorial for Peace and Justice and other Alabama Sites
In late 2018, members of St. Elisabeth’s began preparations for a pilgrimage to the newly dedicated National Memorial for Peace and Justice in Montgomery, Alaba...
Read MoreFrench Dip, 2018
FRENCH DIP A PILGRIMAGE TO GLENCOE AND THE CHICAGO AREA PLANNED BY AND WITH FRIENDS FROM NANTES, FRANCE In 2017 St. Elisabeth’s was given the great gift of being asked by our rector’s friends at Trinité de l’Éraudièr ...
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