Pilgrimage to National Memorial for Peace and Justice and other Alabama Sites, April 2019
Pilgrimage to National Memorial for Peace and Justice and other Alabama Sites
In late 2018, members of St. Elisabeth’s began preparations for a pilgrimage to the newly dedicated National Memorial for Peace and Justice in Montgomery, Alabama. This dramatic memorial and the Legacy Museum memorialize the over 4400 known lynchings that took place throughout the United States between 1877 and 1950 and expose how these horrors are reflected in our present judicial system. As a congregation, we discussed the books Just Mercy, written by Bryan Stevenson, and The Cross and the Lynching Tree by James H. Cone. While only eight people ultimately traveled to Alabama in April of 2019, reading resources were shared with the parish and several families took advantage of the opportunity to visit Chicago area sites and museums that highlight the ongoing violence of racism. Those who traveled to Alabama added visits to Birmingham and Selma and sites on the Civil Rights Trail and prepared notes and reflections to share with St. Elisabeth’s members. These reflections and other resources can be viewed on this post.
Reflections and Meditations from St. Elisabeth’s Lenten Pilgrims
Tags: Pilgrimage